Tag Archives: Angelina Jolie

Maleficent Magnifigance! (And better timing could not be had!)

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me! Beyond having a second post in which to write the wonderful news, I logged into Twitter only to find……..


Now,  first and foremost – say what you will but I generally enjoy and appreciate Angelina Jolie. The  woman has not shyed away from her tumultous past, has embraced her differences and I feel is a strong and independant woman who knew what she wanted. Not to mention, she by all accounts is an involved and loving mother to her 6 children!

So to hear that not only is Disney doing a movie based on my favorite Disney character, Maleficent, but to also have Jolie as the lead was exciting and heartwarming to this recovering Drama-Queen (DQ) and goth! (Story: here, here thanks for E! Online.)

I LOVE Maleficent. She’s dark, misunderstood (at least until the film is released in 2014) and can transform into a freaking dragon!

Being that its a live-action film, and knowing the quality of work Disney is generally prone to put out, I can’t wait for this to arrive.

The timing on this is also excellent as the family and I are making plans for a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth for the summer! We had just booked the resort stay when I read the news about this movie. It will be DS2’s first time visiting the Mouse and I can not wait to see how he takes to it. Knowing his personality and how much he loves to explore, I can only imagine his already beautiful large eyes getting bigger and happier with the wonders we’re going to be showing him!