Tag Archives: Stressing

Let the Countdown Begin! (Or: How to Pack a Toddler for Disney)

Tomorrow is DS2’s first BIG ADVENTURE to The Happiest Place on Earth! Needless to say I believe at this point he could care less, but for SO and I it’s another story entirely!

DS1 has been spending the summer with my parents for a much needed break from the norm for all of us. It’s a yearly tradition for them to take him to Disney for a week as it is, so he’s already there with them enjoying the park with other members of my family. We’ll be joining them tomorrow for the last day of their summer escape and to give us a MUCH deserved weekend away from home.

The Happiest Place on Earth!

The prep for the trip however – OMG! What have I gotten myself into?!?!

This is how I feel right now!

Bottles, Diapers, Sippy Cups, Wipes, Extra Clothes, Blankets, Cheerios, Puffs, Teddy Grahams, Containers, Ziploc Baggies. And don’t forget the stroller and the playpen OR the blueberries. Dear gods don’t forget the blueberries right now! (That’s all DS2 seems to currently want to eat and woe to those who refuse him the blue! I swear to gods he’s going to turn into a giant blueberry child!)

Oompah, Loompah, Doompa-de-do!

And that doesn’t even get me started on what I need to bring for ME. That’s just him. Then it becomes a game of Tetris to try and get it all in the vehicle for transport while not cramming him too much for the trip.

Soon, however, it will be time for bed and then I can worry about the last of it in the morning before getting things loaded up and hopefully not go insane in the process.

It is the Happiest Place on Earth after all…and I have chocolate to get me through the stress of getting there!

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!!!